Date(s): 08/13/2020
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
“We have submitted without reluctance:” Ephrata Cloister and the Revolutionary War
Presented by Michael Showalter
The winter of 1777-1778 was among the most difficult of times during the Revolutionary War. Washington had lost major battles that fall and had taken up winter quarters at Valley Forge. The sick and wounded from those battles took refuge in ‘winter’ hospitals, a half dozen of which were located in Lancaster County. At the Ephrata Cloister, the nearly two dozen residents assisted army doctors in caring for about 260 men in buildings that no longer survive. Discover the reasons why these hospitals were created, the challenges faced by the doctors, and what little remains to tell the stories of that winter in Lancaster County.
This is a FREE program, but you must register. Click here to register. You will receive an email with a link to use to join the Zoom call. This program will be recorded and put on our YouTube page to view at your leisure.
Missed the first Ephrata Academy presentation “Ephrata: A Town Like No Other” presented by Michael Showalter? Click here to watch the recording.