Date(s): 02/11/2021
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Winter History Class will continue this year in a virtual format, with some great opportunities for arm-chair education and travel without concern for snow days!
Winter History Class will start on February 4th at its usual time of 9:00. Like always, we’ll divide the morning into two parts, with the second session starting at 10:30. The program will be held on Zoom.
The full schedule of sessions can be found here.
How do you connect to this great line-up of presentations? Members of the Ephrata Cloister Associates can purchase a ticket to the entire History Class at $45 for each computer connection. For those people, not yet members, the fee is $55. Please print this registration form and mail it with your check payable to the Ephrata Cloister, to the site’s address at 632 West Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522.
If you wish to pay by credit card please follow the links below:
Full series for members ($45) and non-members ($55)
Thank you to Hampton Inn & Suites for sponsoring the first week of class!
If you are new to Zoom, I recommend this short, easy to follow video that gives you basic information about using Zoom.